
Image by AnnaElizabethPhotography (iStock)

Challenge Your Self-doubt

When you’ve decided to work on your important goal, it’s normal for self-doubt to plague you along the way. If you want to make progress, you need to challenge your self-doubt. It’s helpful to notice what’s behind your self-limiting thoughts. Acknowledging your doubts is the first step to toward taking action despite them.

Observe when you’re doubting yourself.

What are the signs that you’re doubting yourself? Are you distracting yourself from focusing on your goal? Are you hesitating? Do you feel a nervous sensation in your body when you’re about to act towards your goal? Pause for a moment to observe what’s happening when you’re doubting yourself.

Notice what messages you’re telling yourself.

What is your self-doubt saying? Is it that you’re afraid of failure? Afraid of rejection? Are you making negative assumptions about your likelihood of success? As author and psychologist Dr. Leon F. Seltzer writes, we need to become aware of our overly critical inner voice so that we can start contesting it.

Question why you’re doubting yourself.

Are you hanging onto negative messages you received about your abilities or worth? Don’t accept these messages as truth. Loosen the grip they have on you. Challenge them with a “Says who?” or “How do I know that’s true?” question!

Be ready to learn and explore.

Can you adopt an attitude of “no matter what happens, it will be a valuable learning experience”? Imagine that taking steps toward your goal is an exploration. This perspective will relieve you of some self-imposed pressure. Having a few missteps along the way is normal. You can learn from your mistakes.

Every step back or sideways is part of your development. Make learning and growing your priority. Focus on the process instead of the outcome. This will help you persevere and achieve goals beyond what you thought possible.

As you continue to take action despite your doubts, new doubts might creep into your head. Don’t dismay! This is a sign that you’re expanding your comfort zone and reaching even greater heights.

Are you ready to put aside your doubt and start exploring?

Want a downloadable list of 21 questions to challenge self-doubt? Subscribe to this site to receive this free resource!

Exploring despite self-doubt

Image by kieferpix (iStock)

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